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The Quintuple Stella or Metric Double Eagle. This is one of the most famous of all pattern designs.
For additional information on this and other patterns for international coinage, click here.
This was actually the first struck of this design. This famous coin is actually the result of a die cutting error in that it is missing the period between the 3 and 5. This coin was struck on a copper planchet, the error noticed and the period was then added to the die. They then struck the gold and additional copper examples J1643-J1644/P1843-P1844.
This unique example is ex Woodin, Newcomer, Farouk, R. Green 7/54, Judd, Paramount 2/75, Browning-Sothebys/Stacks 10/01, originally cleaned and lacquered as shown below courtesy of Sotheby's from their Browning sale, Simpson-Heritage 1/24 FUN - PCGS64BN

It has since been retoned and is now in a PCGS64BN holder and is illustrated at the top of the page courtesy of PCGS. Click on the thumbnail image to see an enlargement.