Click to enlargeJ125/P147

The popular trime design executed by Franklin Peale from designs by Longacre. The obverse design was apparently copied from the design used on the 1836 gold dollar pattern J67-J71/P70-P74 originally created by Christian Gobrecht.

Judd states that restrikes of this were made but are proabably not distinguishable today.

Photo courtesy of Heritage.

The example above, showing just the reverse, appears to be a mint error caused when 2 planchets were fed into the press. It is ex H Chapman 6/1908 (Taylor Windle sale) lot 1308, Brand (journal #44209), Kelly 2/13/41 B.G. Johnson invoice, Bolt, Numismatics Ltd, Bowers and Merena's 6/96 and Heritage 9/97 and 11/03 sales. Does anyone have the piece showing just the obverse ?

The image of the mint error courtesy of Mike Byers.