Click to enlargeJ224/P268

The famous 1858 Paquet design. This is similar to Longacre's regular type 3 design but has larger letters used on the devices.

Examples were struck as follows:

Gold J224/P268 with only the Randall, Morgan-ANS coin known.

Breen & Akers, noting an article in 1922 by Howland Wood, believed it to be part of a complete 1858 proof set originally owned by J. Colvin Randall but this is not correct as the ANS also has a regular 1858 proof gold dollar from the Morgan bequest. The pattern must have a different origin. Thanks to John Dannreuther and Craig Sholley for pointing this out.

It was also struck in copper J225/P269 with about 4 or 5 known including the following:

1) Bolt-Stacks 4/66 described as dull and as J233 in error, possibly the same as next ?

2) Paramount RCR #9, #10 and #11, Paramount 5/76, Paramount 4/77, B/R 6/79, unknown intermediates including Ebay, Stacks 8/2010, StacksBowers 3/2012 (not sold), Heritage 2/13 (not sold), StacksBowers 8/19 ANA - ANACSAU50, gilt

3) Reed-Durham Museum, illustrated below

Photo from the Byron Reed Collection; owned by the City of Omaha, Nebraska; on loan to The Durham Museum.

Others are likely as these appear in many late 1800 auctions although the genuineness of many of them have been questioned.

Note: Research continues on these as the die state of the gilt copper piece is not the same as the gold ANS and Byron Reed-Durham museum coin which show parts of some letters, first 'S' in 'STATES', 'O' in 'OF' and 'C' in America polished away.

Obverse JA1858-6/P3182 and reverse JA1858-7/P3185 die trials, struck in white metal, are in the collection of the Library Company of Philadelphia.

Photo courtesy of the American Numismatic Society, accession number 1908.93.573.