This year shows more competition between George Morgan and both William and Charles Barber. Both produced complete silver sets from the dime to the dollar. Morgan's was based on the current silver dollar. To view Morgan's set, click here. We show one of his two dime designs, differing in the reverse wreath, below.


Barber's offering would become known as the Washlady design. To view the complete set, click here. We show the dime below for comparison purposes.


In addition to these, Morgan produced his beautiful schoolgirl dollar J1608/P1804.

They also produced 4 goloid alloy pattern designs. These designs were repeated the following year. To view these designs, click on the Next Page button at the bottom of this page or the links below.

This year is also known for 2 gold patterns made in goloid alloys. They are among the most coveted of all gold patterns. The first is the $4 or Stella.

Charles Barber's is known as the flowing hair J1635/P1833 and was sold to Congressman with examples of J1617/P1813 and J1626/P1822 for $6.10 and later to collectors for $15. To view Barber's set which included this design, click here.

and Morgan's became known as the coiled hair J1638/P1838. It was also part of a goloid set. To view Morgan's set which included this design, click here.

The last pattern was for a goloid double eagle. This is also referred to as a quintuple stella. J1643/P1843

Photos used courtesy of Superior, Teletrade, Bowers and Merena, Heritage, Jay Parrino's The Mint LLP and Stacks.

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